Thursday, 9 May 2019

Bloodborne - PS4 >> The first Boss encounter

And just like that I faced my first boss ever in Bloodborne and won the fight!


I still cannot believe it!

Cannot get the stupid smile off my face!

Just yesterday I was reading some opinions about the game and found this one here from Games In Focus and it's just like what I was trying to explain in my last post about the game.

I've always was kinda 'afraid' of the so called hardcore-ultra-difficult-games that needed lots of try-and-error hours spent. But maybe it was all just because I've never found a game like Bloodborne before.

The game was pushing me to it, and the moment I started it I was addicted. I'm day-dreaming about it throughout my day! But not addicted to that degree to which I cannot play anything else, but that's a story for an other post.

The thing is that I knew I'd die a lot. And I did, to the extent I thought I'd be killing the same enemies for the rest of my game-life.

Until yesterday.

When I've tried to take the gamepad and tried to put into action all the things I've been listening to in the videos I've been watching about the game. Mainly is to think outside the box the games for the past decades have put the gamers into.

We got a bit numb.

Not that I'm saying that games like Dragon Quest or Ni No Kuni are not great, because they are! But those are in a category of their own.

But I know that even if I loved the Tomb Raider reboot, and the way they deal with the new scheme of context-actions, it kinda helps you out in many ways that ends up numbing you to other games. Specially to games that a mere enemy right at the beginning of the game kills you with a couple of strikes.

We are not ready to think outside the box any more.

So that's what I've tried yesterday, like I said. I've tried to have fun, and simply let it go.

And so I ended up in the right place. Right where I knew I'd find a boss but, also thanks to the notes other gamers leave behind in the game (I thank the PS+ subscription just for that) I entered the fight ready to try it no matter what.

And when I knew it, I beat the Cleric Beast, the first boss of the game, like it was nothing.

But it was. It was a big deal!

It finally made me realize, that yep, I'll keep dying a lot, like I did just next because I fell from a great high and didn't see the couple of enemies just right behind me, but I just have to keep on dancing.

But that's the game! And that's the fun of it.

I just have to do it. To have fun with it. And waltz.

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