Saturday, 14 December 2019

Spider-Man - PS4

I've heard since forever that Spide-Man for PS4 was like one of the best games for the console, and a must have!

My only Spider-Man game was Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six for Master System besides some party MARVEL's heroes in PS2 games.

I've always loved Spider-Man but concerning videogames you cannot go just for the love you have for a character. None the same I was ever curious, and when the game got a discount I got the GOTY edition.

And even if I was afraid about all the hype, I was so happy I did risk it and bought it because it is an awesome game indeed!

I'm reaching 50% of the game and I Can tell it's one of those games I install and cannot put down, and other games I was playing are right now in stand by until I finish this beauty.

And why? Because one cannot stop playing not only the main story with all of its missions and characters, but also all the available side missions that one will unlock throughout the game.

One of my favourites were the backpacks which you get right at the start. You get to find lots of backpacks around the city and get to find little things like this Spider-Man 'doll'.

And finding backpacks and other stuff in the world for side missions will also give one tokens that can be spent upgrading suit powers, web stuff, fighting moves, etc... Like a true RPG.

You also get to fight some thug criminals around the city, when the Police asks for help. You get to chase cars, stop robbers, kidnappings, etc...

And you get mini-objectives in each one of those.

I got to web one of those thugs to the post. I love this game!

One little thing you get when reaching this time in game is fast travel. Which you do selecting the possible spots to fast travel to and then the loading screen shows Spider-Man using the underground to travel around the city. And you get to see a variety of mini-scenes with Spider-Man in the middle of other people.

Other thing you get to do in the game is absorb the great graphics this game has. What a beauty to see specially in a PS4 Pro. And so the Photo Mode, so in vogue nowadays, is like a game in itself.

With selfie mode included.

After finishing the main campaign I get 3 more DLC episodes to keep going in this great videogame.

And probably yeah, one of the best for de console and this generation.